美國SOCK it to me-短襪-酷斯拉 (男女可穿 優惠價:340元 美國SOCK it to me-短襪-啤酒 (男女可穿) 優惠價:340元 美國SOCK it to me-短襪 ...
People also ask
What does the phrase 'sock it to Me' mean?
What does the phrase 'sock it to Me' mean?
"Sock it to me" was a line that was used all of the time on Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In show, back in the late 60s. Apparently, they got it from Aretha Franklin's "Respect". In an interview, Aretha was a bit coy, saying it didn't necessarily have a sexual meaning.
sock 1 (sŏk) n. 1. A garment that covers the foot and part of the leg usually made of cotton or wool and worn for warmth or for protection from abrasion from a shoe or boot.
Compression stockings are a specialized hosiery designed to help prevent the occurrence of, and guard against further progression of, venous disorders such as edema, phlebitis and thrombosis.